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Prince George is the largest city in British Columbia. The city which has a population of 71,973 was was incorporated on March 6, 1915. It lies at an altitude of 1,886 ft above the sea level covering 318.26 square kilometers at the confluence of the Nechako and the Fraser Rivers. It is situated south of Mackenzie, east of Vanderhoof, north of Quesnel and west of McBride.
The city has an annual budget of $450 million and is expected to invest $100 million more on infrastructure projects such as the BC Cancer Agency which include modern cancer treatment equipment. Education sector alone contributes an additional $780 million into the local economy annually. The city is home to the University of Northern British Columbia, the College of New Caledonia and chool District #57 which operates all public schools in the area. Other industries within the city include saw mills and wood processing plants, dairy factories, an oil refinery, chemical plants and a brewery.
The city which has a vibrant art and cultural community is home to various galleries, studios and live theatres. Some of the notable ones include the Two Rivers Gallery, Studio 2880 and the Prince George Playhouse.